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New rope activities

The benefits of low-season residentials

With JCA, your school residential doesn’t just have to be taken in the height of summer, in fact there are some extremely rewarding benefits of heading on a JCA activity trip in the low season during autumn and spring.

Student climbing at Condover Hall

Conquering Fears By Trying Out New Things

Give your students the opportunity to conquer fears by trying new things in a safe and friendly environment that will help them develop self-confidence and overcome fears – learn more here.

Student revising at Condover Hall

Why take your students on a revision residential?

With the busy exam season drawing closer, it’s time to start cracking down on some serious revision time, but why not add some fun to the mix with a revision residential at Condover Hall?

Instructor Image

7 Surprising Benefits Of Your Outdoor Apprenticeship

7 overlooked benefits to starting your career as an outdoor apprentice activity instructor.

Students preparing for high ropes

The impact of varied learning environments outside the classroom

We take a look how activity centres can provide varied learning environments and the impact they can have on both the learner and teacher back at school.

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