For the girls of St Gerard’s School Friday 13th only proved unlucky for one absentee as they arrived for another netball and adventure activities weekend at Condover Hall. With the team made up of seasoned Condovians and first timers, talk of previous trips and the fun activities on offer set the group for fantastic weekend in the Shropshire countryside.
Thankfully over the weekend the girl’s sustained no major injuries, apart from a blister and a very sore throat from all the cheering. The Party Leaders finished the weekend extremely proud of the girls for their good sportsmanship, their outstanding play and their support of each other as a team. Rightly so as in the face of some very tough opposition, with no substitutes, the girls placed third in the netball competition.
“Well done, another successful Condover tour completed.”
Many thanks to Delyth Roberts of St Gerard’s School for her contribution.